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Repair, Restoration, Repacking, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Lithium Batteries in Odessa

Assembly of Li-ion battery using spot welding

Our service center offers services for repair, restoration and repacking of lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePo4) accumulators and batteries of any purpose.

We provide services for retail and wholesale customers throughout Ukraine, if you are not from Odessa, you can send your equipment to us by mail.

We pick up and deliver your equipment in Odessa and the region.
We perform work in Odessa at the address: Raskidaylovskaya 29.

Free Consultation

Your time and energy are priceless and we are ready to save them for you.

You can order a call back or contact us by clicking the button on the right at the bottom of the screen, choosing your preferred method of communication for a consultation.

Our manager will be able to preliminarily estimate the cost of work in accordance with the information you provide about the faults.

If delivery is required, its exact price will also be announced.

About Our Services

Cost and Payment

Much depends on the specific case, faults, battery subtype and customer preferences.

Within the framework of the article without information about a specific case, we can only give you a "price from" for the most frequently provided services related exclusively to the repair of lithium batteries.

Build 18500

Diagnostics and troubleshooting of lithium batteries. *Free
Replacement of defective/faulty components (lithium elements/cells, controllers) *From 500 UAH
Complete replacement of lithium battery cells in batteries that have reached the end of their service life. *From 700 UAH
Repackaging of lithium-ion batteries to restore their performance. *From 1000 UAH

*Free only in case of further repairs in our service center or if the equipment is not repairable.
*Price from - this is the minimum price for the service.

The actual price can be provided only when the equipment is diagnosed by an engineer and depends on the scope of work, the price of parts and the complexity of the work.

We are always ready to give a preliminary estimate of the cost of work over the phone.

After diagnostics, before doing the work, we will call you back again, announce the actual price, the time of work, the fact of the availability of spare parts necessary for the work, which determines whether the repair will be done within a period of no more than 5 days.

When replacing lithium elements/cells, an advance payment of 50% of the cost of the work is required.

Terms of Work

If the necessary spare parts are available, the work will be completed within 5 working days.

If it is necessary to order spare parts, the terms depend on the delivery time of the spare parts.

Warranty Obligations

We provide a guarantee for the elimination of factory defects and assembly defects of components replaced during the repair process. The warranty period is 1 month from the date of completion of the work.

Frequent Malfunctions and Their Causes

Exploded from short circuit assembly 18650 Sony Murata VTC8 100W

  • Deep discharge of the battery, this occurs due to the absence of a controller or its malfunction, as well as if the battery has been lying for a long time without recharging, because batteries have a slight self-discharge.

Regardless of the reasons, after this, the controller (if there is one, if not, overcharging is possible, which will cause swelling and can even cause an explosion of the cell) will not allow the battery to be charged with normal current. This is one of the protections, since starting the battery can be dangerous without knowing the reasons why it is completely discharged and only a trained engineer can do this, at home without equipment and experience in such work it is dangerous to do this.

  • Failure of lithium elements/cells due to natural aging of the battery, a large number of recharge cycles and/or during use, as well as charging in difficult temperature conditions (cold or hot).
    This is a normal aging process, sometimes their resource wears out unevenly, in which case you can replace
  • Internal break.
  • Internal short circuit.
  • Some cells are swollen, exploded.
    This can happen from overcharging and high temperature.
    If you find how the case of your device has swelled in the place where the battery is located
  • Mechanical damage. Can manifest itself in heating and even swelling of the battery and, of course, in an explosion.
  • Abnormal heating during charging.
    If you notice how the battery began to heat up during charging and use more than usual, this is one of the signs of its aging. But when charging in the warm season, it can heat up more than usual simply from the ambient temperature
    At some point, it can swell or stop charging.
    Just in case, we recommend that you bring the equipment containing batteries and the batteries themselves for diagnostics and potential maintenance if you have been observing for a long time:
    Your battery is heating up more than usual, and also if you tried to charge it in a relatively cool room and it heated up as before.
  • The battery does not charge
    Our engineers are competent to diagnose and perform any work to eliminate the above-mentioned faults and any other unmentioned, but existing faults associated with batteries.

Types and Brands of Lithium Batteries and Accumulators

Popular battery brands used in the equipment that we most often repair and which we use for replacement during repacking: Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Quantum, Tesla, LogicPower, LG, (Sony Murata VTC4, VTC5, VTC5A, VTC6).

We work with batteries of the following sizes:
18650, 21700, 26500, 33600, 42120, 32650, 26650, 25500, 22650, 18700, 18500, 18490, 18350, 17670, 17500, 16340, 15266, 15270, 14670, 14500, 14430, 14270, 14250, 10440, 10430, 10280, 10220, 10180.

How We Do Repairs

Repair of car battery LiFePo4

It all starts with the data you provide about the equipment and the malfunction (does not charge, overheats, discharges quickly, water got in. Some of the elements swelled, burned out or exploded due to overcharging). Based on this data, we can give a preliminary estimate of our work.

When the equipment is in the hands of our engineer, he will inspect and diagnose the device in search of faults, starting with those characteristic of the data you provided about the malfunction, ending with other basic checks in case of other potential faults that require attention and repair, if any.

As soon as the entire range of work is identified, before starting to perform any work, our manager will contact you to approve the final price of the work, regardless of whether it has changed or not, and you will be told the entire range of services, regardless of whether it has changed or not, which are planned to be provided. Optionally (free, but you need to say that you want it) during the work we can take before and after photos and this is especially important if the battery is assembled in the case, so that you can see the malfunction that we fixed and you can see the quality of its fix, as well as tests for discharge, rupture, etc.

After the work is completed, you can pick up your equipment from our service center or get it back by mail.

If the services provided included the replacement of parts together with your equipment, we will return your old parts to you.

We are waiting for clients from Odessa in our service center at the address: Raskidaylovskaya 29.
If you cannot come, we offer to order an additional service for the delivery of equipment from the place of breakdown or storage to our service center and back after the services are provided.

For customers from other cities and regions of Ukraine, be it Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnipro, Lviv, Zaporozhye, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, Vinnitsa, Kherson, Poltava, Chernigov, Cherkassy, ​​Zhitomir, Sumy, Khmelnitsky, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Kropyvnytskyi, Ivano-Frankivsk and others:

We suggest contacting us so that our manager can preliminarily determine the malfunction and give you an estimate of the cost of the work.

If you are satisfied with the conditions, you can send the faulty equipment to our service center by a convenient postal service, our manager will calculate the cost of sending in both directions.

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